Last night and this morning participants from across Europe have been arriving in Budapest for the second meeting of the International Youth Work Trainers group. Following the first development week in Ireland some of the previous participants and lots of new ones are staying at the Fortuna Boat Hotel for three days to take the […]
Summary of Outcomes
From March 10th – 14th of 2014 in Ireland took place a partnership-building activity (Youth in Action, 3.1 – PBA) with the aim to set up an European network of youth work trainers. 24 trainers from 21 countries, as well as 2 external experts took part in it. The approach was mainly an open process […]
Creating the vision and forming next steps
The final day of the International Youth Work Trainers group meeting saw the morning taken up with planting the seed for the network and thinking about who ‘we’ as a group are with some fantastic results. During the afternoon the group continued with their parallel sessions to begin shaping the collective vision and culture for […]
Planting the seed for the network
This morning the group has been hard at work packing their suitcase with the questions and discussion points that still need addressing through this afternoons planned parallel sessions. The participants worked as individuals and chose the topics for discussion that were important to them, then coming back together as a group to identify any commonality […]
Open space dreaming
This afternoon the International Youth Work Trainers group has been spending some time in Open Space considering specific questions or topics for the establishment of the network. Following a hour considering the topics the group came together to feedback their thoughts and views to the wider group and for a period of discussion. As with […]
A picture of the International Youth Work Trainers Network
This morning in Ireland the group have been coming together to begin dreaming about what the International Youth Work Trainers Network might look like following yesterday’s laboratory beginnings – it was an opportunity to think big and think creative. After a slightly slower start than planned (due in part to an untimely fire alarm) the […]
Entering the Laboratory
This morning the International Youth Work Trainers group have been starting to develop aims for the week and begin to come up with questions which need to be posed, and consequently answered, not just by those here in Ireland but also the wider trainer community. The group began taking part in an exercise where they […]
What do you wonder?
This evening and tomorrow morning the participants of the International Youth Work Trainers are holding their first Open Team Meeting to begin planning tomorrow’s programme and what the group want to get out of the day. Tomorrow morning they will be thinking about what questions they would like answered over the course of the week, […]
An Introduction
Welcome to the International Youth Work Trainers blog and thanks for taking the time to have a read of the first post. Over the coming week youth work trainers from 20 countries will be coming together at the East Clare Golf Village in Ireland to begin working towards improving cooperation between youth work trainers in […]