Revisiting expectations Beginning the day the participants were asked to split into pairs and revisit their “how successfully did I?” expectations that they created in day one. Each person in the pair took their partner’s expectations and asked a series of questions designed to find out how their partner was progressing against their expectations. This was […]
Doing a 360
Exploring competences
Ahead of the start of the 360 appraisal process the group began to explore competences and how those relate to trainers and the guild. What is a competence The participants split into five groups and were asked to explore competences. Each participant was asked to run a short ice breaker activity for their group and […]
Reconnecting, culture and the learning path
On Thursday evening participants arrived in Ireland from twenty two countries for the next stage of the IYWT guild process. This week’s seminar is focusing on the piloting of the 360 appraisal system which was decided on at the Budapest meeting back in 2014. Also built in the programme is some time for ‘guild business’ which […]