We asked our members what they were doing since mid-March to create and facilitate online learning, training and support opportunities for youth leaders, youth workers and youth work organisations. Here we share our experiences with reflections, challenges, success and questions. This the 4th part of blog posts where we collect training practices in response to COVID-19 impact on international youth work mobility. Read the 1st part, 2nd part, 3rd part and 4th part in the series.
Federica Demicheli
Activity: Youth work against violent Radicalisation: Focus group with practitioners
Dates: 23 May – 24 June (6 focus groups + 2 feedback sessions)
Reference link:
Profile of participants: Youth workers involved in prevention activities in field of violent radicalisation and extremism, National Agencies and Partnership in field of youth (as observers and rapporteur), researchers and representatives of Municipalities that started specific prevention work
Your personal/professional reflection on challenges, successes and questions of doing this online: The project is just started, but is quite an interesting challenging to understand with the researcher who is working with me: the specific methodology that a focus group online needs, how to divide tasks and how to take notes and be sure of the circularity of informations and feedback will be distributed in a equal way. We are developing specific guidelines for focus groups online for the next group in june and we are going to prepare it in a different way. We are thinking of a model of focus group a bit more “closed”, questions will be delivered 24 hours before and the reporters will follow certain pax in particular.
Participants feedback, if available: The first round was ok, but we need to improve the “time for speaking”. Some pax felt not enough space for sharing appropriate and right information.
Vitalie Cirhana
Activity: Online Tools for Trainers
Dates: 3-10 June 2020
Reference link: https://www.facebook.com/Contact.md/photos/a.214779675269426/3014651515282214/?type=3&theater
Profile of participants: Trainers from Moldova who are willing to use online tools for their trainers work.
Structure and key content: Sharing the experience of a 2 months online educational programme for youth workers and tools which was used in order to create interaction with participants.
Your personal/professional reflection on challenges, successes and questions of doing this online: COVID-19 created preconditions to take seriously the online tools for delivering training and for participants to become more familiar and confident with this online education.
If you haven’t done so, read the 1st part, 2nd part, 3rd part and 4th part in the series.
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Cover photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash