Following the two checkpoint sessions it was identified that the core group should be established to be responsible for co-ordinating the next steps for the network following this meeting. Several participants put their names forward and all the participants had the opportunity to vote to agree the core group nominations as a whole. Twenty of the […]
Jigsaw working groups – check in two
At the end of yesterday the participants came back together for their second check point to share their discussions with the wider group. Further ideas had developed since the first check point with some groups having firmer outcomes from their discussions. Naming the network The communications and marketing group had created a number of suggestions […]
Jigsaw working groups – check in one
The working groups came back together after lunch to feedback on their discussions to the whole group. Some had made more progress than others with initial ideas beginning to form and some concrete outputs and statements. Values and membership The group had had some early thoughts about values but felt that these would be a […]
Working groups to create the strategy
For the rest of today the participants here in Budapest will be working in smaller groups on the five areas of work identified in yesterday’s session. They’ll be putting together actions to move their area of work forward based on the qualities and considerations from other networks. They need to hear from you on what […]
Qualities from other networks and top measures for success
Yesterday afternoon the participants broke into smaller groups to think about the other networks they are involved in and what things work well and the things that should be avoided in the creation of the IYWT network. The groups thought about it in five areas… Organisational structure Communication Member ‘selection’ / decision making Events and […]
Revisiting who ‘we’ are as a network
This afternoon the group has been revisiting the question or who ‘we’ are and what the measures of success might be for the network. Breaking into groups the participants had discussion before and after lunch, coming back together to feedback to the wider group and create a list to work from. Gallery of who ‘we’ […]