For the rest of today the participants here in Budapest will be working in smaller groups on the five areas of work identified in yesterday’s session.
They’ll be putting together actions to move their area of work forward based on the qualities and considerations from other networks. They need to hear from you on what your thoughts might be in addition to the ones on the flip charts below.
Over the coming hours the groups may post voting questions on the Facebook group to gather views from the wider (virtual) group of trainers.
Fitting the ‘strategy jigsaw’ together
At different points throughout the day the groups will be having checkpoints to find out where other working groups are up to and ensure that the pieces of the strategy jigsaw are going to come together. I’ll be providing updates at each checkpoint and feeding back any views from online.
The strategy will then be put together on a timeline for the next 12 months in terms of short term objectives but also keeping in mind the longer term.